The Cane used for chair seating comes from tropical areas, and is called 'Rattan'. It comes from a strong plant producing thorny tendrils that climb over the surrounding vegetation, and growing to great lengths. The inner bark has a very hard glossy surface. This is stripped off and cut into various widths to be used for chair seats The widths of cane in general use are as follows No.1 cane 1.8mm: No.2 cane 2.0mm: No.3 cane 2.4mm: No.4 cane 3.0mm and No.5 cane 3.5mm (no.5 cane is also known as Edging Cane and used for covering the holes in the frame when the seat is completed). With the first four stages, the horizontal and the vertical are worked in No.2 cane. The last two stages, the diagonals, are worked in No.3 cane. The size of cane depends on the spacing of the holes in the frame - on most chairs this is about 1/2" apart. Our cane is available in 50g packs and 250g Trade Packs. As a guide a 50g pack of No.2 and a 50g pack of No.3, together with a pack of No.5 Edging cane and a pack of No.15 or No. 14 Pegging cane should be sufficient for a small bedroom chair.
Old uk sizes - No.1 was 1.9mm now 1.8mm, No.2 was 2.1mm now 2.0mm, No.3 was 2.5mm now 2.4mm, No.4 was 2.9mm now 3.0mm, Edging Cane was No.6 now No. 5 3.5mm
Holes means the holes drilled round the edge
number of holes per 15cm = 14; use size2 cane number of holes per 15cm = 13: use size2 and size3 cane number of holes per 15cm = 12; use size2 and size3 cane number of holes per 15cm = 11; use size3 and size4 cane or size2 and size4 cane or all size 4cane. The above are a normal guide, but they can be varied depending on the effect required.