At discounted prices.
The number '140' refers to the type of staple, the number that follows refers to the 'leg' length in mm.
These galvanized staples should fit the following staple tackers. If in doubt, it should be marked on your tacker which type of staple to use. Tacwise/Rapesco Z140, Z140P, Z1-140, Z1-140L, Z3-140, Pro140el, Stanley PHT150, 69-809, TR60, TR100, TR200, TRE500, G11, TR250, TR150, TRE550, Arrow CT50, ETF50PBN, ETFX50, ETN50, ETL50, T50, T55, ET50, ETC50, ETF50BN, T50PBN, ETFX50220, Powershot5700, Powershot 5800, Powershot 8000. Rapid/Rawlplug R44 / R34 / E-Tac / R14 / R64 / ESN114 / R11 /R54. Draper HeavyDuty Staple tacker / Lightweight Staple tacker. Homebase Challenge 4in1 Focus McKeller Electric. Screwfix 10110 ClarkCSG10.